Membership is open to all children and adults!
Member Perks can include:
Monthly Newsletter and the digital Archive
Meetings alternatively via Zoom
Silent Auction
Refreshments Provided by Member Hosts
Meeting Current Members
Show & Tell
Gem, Mineral, & Fossil Show (July)
Summer Picnic (August)
Holiday Party (December)
Volunteering Opportunities
Rock & Mineral Collection Trips
Carnegie Museum of NH (1x) Reimbursement
Become a Member:
Complete the membership application 1 of 2 ways:
.PDF download / print application
Website application submission
Please note this is an experimental feature.
At current, our club officers will still need a completed, print copy upon receiving payment. They are available at the meetings and events!
Make checks payable to: Monongahela Rockhounds
Bring payment method (and printed applications) to a meeting, give to a club officer, or mail:
Monongahela Rockhounds
P.O. Box 18063
Pittsburgh, PA 15236
Annual Membership Dues:
$10.00 - Individual
$20.00 - Family
Next Steps:
Mission Statement
The Monongahela Rockhounds promotes, among its members and the general public, an interest in the collection of minerals, fossils, and associated items, their use in lapidary work, and the study and classification of minerals, gemstones, and other items of such nature.
Meetings are held the first Saturday of each month, except for July and August, at 7:00 pm at the new Munhall Borough Building, 1 Raymond Bodner Way, Munhall PA 15120.
Note: Occasionally, there are changes to the schedule due to conflicts with collecting trips and holiday weekends.
The club is a member of the Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies, Inc. and the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies, Inc.
Meeting Agenda and Activities
The Monongahela Rockhounds monthly meeting typically consists of the following activities: Meetings usually begin with a presentation by an invited speaker or club member on a topic of mineral, fossil, or lapidary interest. Following the presentation is a social break with snacks and drinks and a silent auction of donated hobby related materials, the proceeds of which are used to support club activities and operations. Following the break, there is a show-and-tell period. The evening concludes with the club's business meeting, during which various topics of club interest are discussed including volunteer activities, upcoming events, shows, and club trips.
The Monongahela Rockhounds usually sponsors two collecting trips per year and hosts an annual summer picnic and holiday party for members.
The Monongahela Rockhounds membership year runs from January 1st to December 31st. Club officers are elected every other November for two year terms.
Membership Fees
Individual: $10.00 per year with e-mailed (+online) newsletters.
Family: $20.00 per year with e-mailed (+online) newsletters.
All newsletters for *new* incoming members 2020-present will be digital only.
Note: For new members, dues paid September 1st or later are good through the following membership year. Family memberships include only immediate family members living in the same residence. For family memberships, please list only the family members that will be participating in club activities.
Privacy Policy
The Monongahela Rockhounds maintains a database of member names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses for club operations. For member privacy, this information is only made available to the current club officers. The Monongahela Rockhounds officers will never knowingly distribute your personal information to any other group or organization for any purpose.